The Perovskite and Organic Semiconductors for Next-Generation Photodetectors and Space Application took place from 10th to 11th June at the Hilton Imperial Dubrovnik in Croatia.
This conference had the pleasure of having Michele Sessolo from Instituto de Ciencia Molecular Universitat de València (UV), Spain, together with Beatrice Fraboni from Department of Physics and Astronomy University of Bologna, Italy and Marisé Garcia-Battle from Applied Physical Sciences, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA as general scientific organisers. Their pivotal role in shaping the conference program ensured its success, addressing frontiers of emerging PVs for photodetectors and pave the way towards more efficient and sustainable power solutions for the space industry and key topics such as bandgap tunability, high optical absorption coefficient, high carrier mobility, and low noise.

The conference also served as a platform for days during which attendees and young scientists had the opportunity to share knowledge and impressions in the field of emerging photovoltaics.

From nanoGe we would like to sincerely thank all the participants, speakers and scientific organizers, whose collective efforts have contributed significantly to the success of NextPDs. We also extend our gratitude to our sponsor SCIPRIOS.
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